Say it with art #sayitwithart > launching today the 14th of February 2019

Round LogoDear friends,

If you are in any way affected by Brexit, directly or indirectly, and want to express your situation and feelings through an artwork, poem or short story and share it more widely, please keep reading this open invitation.

We are launching the open access digital collection Say it with art and would love you to contribute by submitting an artwork, poems or short stories about Brexit. We would like to give individuals a voice through art. To express, communicate and connect with others from across the UK and other European countries.

We hope that the Say it with art collection will be valuable to capture the turbulent moments in which we live, and provide a snapshot of our times to politicians and future generations beyond the dominating, and often polarised, journalistic and political voices. The collection will help others gain deeper insights into the everyday reality, hopes, dreams and fears, of individuals, and their experiences.

All work received will be reviewed and work that is respectful and non abusive will be included in the Say it with art collection.

Our invitation is open to anybody who has something to say about Brexit in the language and format of their choice. To submit your contribution, please access the following Google form at

This project is supported by the

Please note, the invitation to submit will remain open until midnight on the 29th of March 2019.

Countdown by

Thereafter, the team and supporters of this initiative, will review submissions and put the collection together. An announcement will be made via social media channels using the hashtag #sayitwithart when the collection is ready and how it can be accessed.

If you are the Programme Leader of a BA or an MA in Creative Writing or an Art and Design  programme anywhere in Europe please feel free to invite your students to submit their work for this collection.

We are really looking forward to your contributions and seeing this collection coming together.

Chrissi Nerantzi @chrissinerantzi and Nathalie Sheridan @drnsheridan

the #sayitwithart team and supporters

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