creative writing

I am looking for publishing opportunities for my picture book stories.

I love writing picture book stories and letting my imagination wander and wonder.

After completing an MA in Creative Writing Experimentation and Innovation, I was delighted to be accepted on the Golden Egg Academy Picture Book Programme which I completed. I found this course invaluable for my further development as a creative writer. During that course I wrote over 30 picture book stories.

Following a BA (Hons.) in Translation (German, Greek, English), I worked 10 years for various publishers and translated mainly children’s books, including picture books from English and German into Greek. This was the time when I got the bug for writing my own stories and I haven’t stopped since.

My stories are an extension of who I am and what moves me. Often, the seeds for a story come from personal experiences that touch me deeply. When I write, I immerse myself into the emerging and dynamic story world to make sense of these experiences and my emotions, let go and gain new insights, imagine characters and alternative realities that bring hope and positivity.

All my life, I have been the girl from elsewhere; between countries and cultures. Born in Germany where I spent my childhood, my family moved to Greece when I was a teenager. I have lived most of my adult years, though, in the UK. My travels and diverse life experiences, and the people I met, have influenced who I am today, how I see the world and what I write about. I have two boys and when they were little we read together and often made up Goodnight stories. Many of these have become treasured family memories.

For over 15 years now, I have been working in Higher Education and am an experienced creative educator. I am confident in collaborating with diverse individuals and interacting with audiences, including children. I regularly use storytelling, performance, art, objects and making in my practice to bring sessions alive, inject playfulness, suspense and surprise and create engaging, stimulating and memorable experiences that transport learners and audiences into new realities and tickle their curiosity and imagination.

Very happy to share a selection of my stories with potential publishers.


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