almost there now

Last week of the pilot for reflections. Happy to listen and comment once more and then it will be over… maybe… maybe not. Maybe we will find a way to keep MoRe alive, mayve it will evolve into something else. We will see and discuss it with participating students.

Andrew Middleton, on twitter, pointed me towards an interesting article at CNN Tech “Is voice becoming the new text (again)?” Well, I have to admit that I can see some benefits. I can that it is becoming more and more popular because it is faster. We would say much more in a minute than we would write in a minute. The advantage might be that we could talk and do something else at the same time. Mmm. There are however some differences, I think. The language we use wouldn’t be the same. Does it matter? Well it depends. It depends on many things. What about the thinking and the depth of our thoughts? Does it matter? What does matter, process or end-product or both? Are messy speaker, messy thinkers, messy writers? Does it really matter? Is messy really bad? Is it not about making connections, communicating ideas and sharing?

Andrew, I also feel strange when I do have to make phonecalls in public or somebody rings me when I am on the bus etc. Also, when I record audio in front of other people, that also feels weird… and I avoid it whenever I can. Interviews are different! Sometimes, I feel even uncomfortable when I am on my own and as you say, knowing that there is an audience out there, who will be listening makes me feel a bit mor conscious about the way I say things. But then again, wouldn’t we feel the same in a face-to-face communication? One of the differences might be that in a face-to-face situation you will see the other person and communication happens beyond the use of language. Maybe it is just a skill that I need to learn, relax more into it and get better at it… hopefully.

[incomplete entry]