Crowdsourced genAI delights, Book 2 is out!

We are delighted. After a few months of hard work and anticipation, it is finally out! I am speaking about the crowdsourced Book 2 on genAI, a #creativeHE project around GenAI generously supported by the wider open education community. For this volume our efforts were supported by a grant by the Imagination Lab Foundation awarded to Sandra Abegglen.

Abegglen, S., Nerantzi, C., Martínez-Arboleda, A., Karatsiori, M., Atenas, J., & Rowell, C. (Eds.) (2024). Towards AI Literacy: 101+ Creative and Critical Practices, Perspectives and Purposes. #creativeHE. 

Graphic design by Leonor Aguero Vivas.

After the success of Book 1 and over 30K downloads later at the time of writing this post, Book 2 has just been published. Read a blog post about it on the #creativeHE site. We hope that this latest collection will offer useful insights into emerging practices, perspectives and purposes and bring further inspiration to educators and students in different parts of the world to consider experimenting with GenAI and develop capacity in this area. There are 119 contributions from individuals from 22 countries in this book. We are very grateful for everybody’s generosity and for agreeing their ideas to be included in this open collection and shared widely. 

There are more collaborative contributions shared than in the first collection and we also have more contributions from students. This is truly wonderful. 

My own institution, the University of Leeds, features with 20 contributions. The vast majority of contributions are in English, despite our efforts to get submissions in a range of languages. This is something to reflect on more.

We encourage you to dive into Book 2 and try something new in your practice, for your (professional) learning and/or reflect on a perspective shared around AI literacy.

We would love to hear how you are using Book 2. Enjoy!

Collection editors

Chrissi Nerantzi, University of Leeds: C.Nerantzi[at] (main contact)

Sandra Abegglen, University of Calgary: sandra.abegglen[at]

Marianna Karatsiori, University of Macedonia: mkaratsiori[at] 

Antonio M. Arboleda, University of Leeds: A.Martinez-Arboleda[at]

Javiera Atenas, University of Suffolk, J.Atenas[at]

Chris Rowell, University of the Arts, London, c.rowell[at]

First crowdsourced collection in this series: Nerantzi, C., Abegglen, S., Karatsiori, M. & Martinez-Arboleda, A. (Eds.) (2023) 101 creative ideas to use AI in Education. #creativeHE.

Related blog post can be accessed here.

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