Yeah! We agreed a submission date! #phdchat #go_gn


I thought it would never happen. But now it did. Yesterday. After a constructive meeting with the supervisory team with Sandra ad Keith as well as Norrie who chairs the progress meetings, it was decided to agree a submission date.

Some more work needs to be done, and I am determined to do this but I can’t stop smiling to have reached this important milestone. I need to be extremely focused now until I complete the final thesis on the 15th of May 2017. And viva, hopefully before August. This is the plan.

On the train back from Edinburgh I started doodling… the above is the result of this. It is not 100% accurate, especially as the first part before the 1st full draft did really take much longer… and there is history before Jan 13. I will put it all together when I reach viva stage. Now I need to focus on getting that final version of the thesis as strong as possible.

If you have any suggestions, for the rest of the journey, I would love to hear from you.

Thank you so much to all who have been, and still are, my supportive travel companions.
